Thursday 6 September 2012

Stepping Stones

Hi guys,

So, many of you have asked how the race went this past weekend. The answer is: lots of positive but a less than ideal start.

The race started at a steady pace and it wasn't long before things split up. My legs took a little while to get going but that was to be expected after the training block. I started making progress and by the top of the 1st climb, I found myself in 5th place.

By the time I got to the bottom, things had gone pear shaped, I'd broken my seat post. Having to pull out of a race is the hardest thing to do.

On the positive side, the power file that I got from the race shows that the training is paying off and the numbers are better than ever. Yes, I know, numbers aren't everything!

This week is the last hard week before Hill2hill and the 50 Miler.
